
Book: America & Britain

Approximately one third of the Bible is prophecy—most of which applies to the “latter days” and beyond. The interrelated prophecies of the books of Daniel and Revelation, for example, draw a complex scenario as to how this present age will come to a close with the Kingdom of God being established over the entire world. Numerous nations are mentioned in the Bible by name as they engage in this end-time geopolitical interplay. In many cases, the biblical name has been carried over into modern usage— names such as Egypt, Syria, Libya, Ethiopia, and others. Moreover, with no more than a modicum of research it can be established that Iraq lies in the area known anciently as Babylon, that biblical Edom is today’s Turkey, and that ancient Persia is modern Iran. More prominent nations—such as Russia, China, Japan, even Germany—are also identifiable in Scripture, but careful research is required to correlate them to their ancient biblical names.

But where in the Bible is the United States of America to be found? What about Great Britain? Their apparent absence from the Bible has long puzzled scholars. Considering the almost immeasurable impact these two nations have had on the modern world—and that they will undoubtedly play leading roles in any end-time scenario—it is inconceivable that God would choose to omit even so much as a mention of them in Bible prophecy.

Biblical prophecy mentions all of the great ancient empires: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. But has the God Who says He declares “the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that have not yet been done”1 actually neglected to acknowledge the greatest empire the world has ever known—the British Empire, which dominated the world for over two centuries? Or the single richest and most powerful nation in all of history—the United States?

The prophet Amos wrote, “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing unless He [first] reveals His secret [plans concerning the nations] unto His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). Would not those plans include America and Great Britain? In revealing events leading up to the return of Christ in the last days, is it logical that God would simply overlook the United States and Britain?

Or is it possible that Bible scholars and church leaders are woefully ignorant of one of the most vital keys to biblical prophecy—the identity of modern-day English-speaking nations in the Scriptures? Perhaps we need to revise our thinking and consider just how America and Britain might be mentioned in the Bible after all—in literally hundreds of passages!

Two Great Nations that Changed the World

How and why have the British and American people come to possess the absolute richest and most productive lands of the entire world— lands blessed with unparalleled natural resources? Why have they enjoyed an unrivaled level of economic wealth and military power? To say the least, the unprecedented and rapid rise of the Anglo-American nations to dominant positions of power and influence throughout the 19th and 20th centuries is nothing less than phenomenal.

Chafing under the influence of a Romish Europe and the dominance of an imperialistic Spain, England began in the 16th century to look beyond her own shores, crossing vast seas to establish new trade routes and forge new partnerships. This proclivity for expansion led to the establishment of colonies around the world and eventually to the formation of the British Empire. One of Britain’s key colonial settlements, of course, later developed into the United States of America.

At the height of its power and influence early in the 20th century, the British Empire covered approximately one fourth of the world’s territory (in 1922 it incorporated 13 million square miles) and ultimately boasted of 54 territories and colonies—including Egypt, India, Pakistan, parts of Africa, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Palestine, and others. (Today, 16 of the original members still recognize the British monarchy as relevant in terms of national politics.) The Empire also possessed or controlled several strategic sea gates—the Suez Canal, Gibraltar, the Cape of Good Hope, etc. It was without question the most expansive and influential empire in the history of the world.

Historians agree that Britain became the preeminent nation of the world as a consequence of wresting itself from French dominance. Indeed, after defeating Napoleon in 1815 it became clear that Britain was the undisputed ruler of the civilized world. Supported by unrivaled naval power, what followed was a century of peace—“Pax Britannica”—cut short only by the German militarism that triggered World War I in 1914.

While the British Empire was built on the principle of imperialism, it was by no means tyrannical. Many of its colonies and territories experienced newfound freedoms; increased commerce led to added jobs and better living standards; education and literacy were given a high priority; many subjects were able to own land; and, for the most part, one could practice the religion of his or her choice. Plus, there was the important benefit of security under Britain’s impressive military. Ultimately, most of the Empire’s colonies flourished into politically stable and highly productive territories.2

In time, the growing New England colonies broke away from British rule—mostly owing to oppressive taxation by England. Concepts such as democracy, freedom of speech and religion, and power invested in the people would eventually become hallmarks of the world’s most successful republic, the United States of America. That same zeal for freedom helped to inspire the Industrial Revolution, which has obviously changed the world in innumerable ways. During Britain’s rise to global dominance, it was British capital, expertise, and “stick-to-itiveness” that helped to develop her colonies as well as her own industrial might. Following suit, American ingenuity quickly pushed industry and commerce to new heights. From Robert Fulton’s first steamboat in 1806 to Henry Ford’s success with largescale mass production, industrialization exploded in America.

Following the early 1800s, more than half of the world’s cultivatable lands came into the possession of these two great nations. Utilizing the richest natural resources and farmlands known to man, America quickly became the “breadbasket” of the world.

But beginning in the 1950s, the British Empire gradually ceased to be economically and militarily relevant. In fact, by the end of World War II, Britain was broke and facing major problems in two of its territories, India and Palestine.3 No longer able to manage an empire, Britain began granting independence to many of her colonies. As well, the burden of “policing the world” fell more and more to the United States.4 It was becoming all too clear that “Pax Britannica” was fast coming to an end.

Yet, as American power and influence began to rise in the aftermath of World War II, it was obvious that the United States would never have the unrivaled international role enjoyed by the British for two centuries. There were two principal reasons. First, America had no desire to become a world-colonizing power. The United States, at one time or another, ruled only the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and various islands in Oceania—including one of the world’s key strategic sea gates, the Panama Canal. Secondly, as America began assuming Britain’s historic role, it faced a major military rival—the Soviet Union—which in many ways restrained U.S. power.

Soon after World War II, the U.S. dollar began to replace the British pound as the world’s leading currency (London, however, is still the world’s leading financial center). The growing American economy led to rapid prosperity at home and enabled the United States to generously fund the rebuilding of Europe through the Marshall Plan.5

In two world wars, the British Empire and the United States saved virtually the entire world from fascist powers bent on global domination. While the United States struggled through conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, many analysts believe America achieved undisputed global dominance after its invasion of Iraq in 1991. However, in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks, America’s economic hegemony and global influence are plainly diminished. Bogged down in Afghanistan in its dubious “war on terrorism” and facing a deteriorating economy under a liberal-progressive White House, the United States is now rapidly losing its place as world leader.

Both at home and abroad, Britain and America face complex and seemingly insoluble problems. Their steady decline has, in fact, already left a growing vacuum of power around the globe. Consequently, a developing European Union, a resurgent Russia, and a burgeoning China are all moving to challenge American supremacy.

Never in the history of the world has there been such a dramatic and rapid rise to global power and dominance—followed by an even more rapid decline—than has been experienced by Britain and America. Why?

Why have stupendous economic and material blessings been poured out on the English-speaking nations? Why has America in particular been so benevolent in freely sharing that wealth with the world? Why are the AngloAmerican people increasingly despised and mocked around the world?

How could such a phenomenon be ignored in biblical prophecy?

The Vital Key to Bible Prophecy

Who are the British and American peoples—really? How do these two great powers fit into Bible prophecy? Is it possible that scholars and theologians have simply failed to see that these two great nations are indeed discussed in numerous detailed passages of the Bible—in prophecies that both accurately predicted their rise to unprecedented greatness and describe their subsequent demise in the end time?

Using Scripture and the record of history, this book will demonstrate that the British and American peoples are, indeed, identified in the pages of your Bible—by their ancient ancestral name: Israel.

Shocking? Incredible? Impossible?

Based on astounding promises made to the patriarch Abraham and subsequently fulfilled through the exile and reestablishment of the so-called “lost” ten tribes of Israel, both Britain and America are the realization of an amazing plan by which God has blessed (and will yet again bless) the entire world. Incredible as it may sound, both America and the British Empire were destined to reach world-power status, to dominate the international affairs of their time—and to ultimately fall into dismal decline!

It’s time you understood what is no doubt the most important key to unlocking the prophecies of your Bible—the identities of America and Britain in biblical prophecy.

A Note to the Reader…

It is the goal of this book to demonstrate the Israelite origins of the Anglo-American peoples—as well as to outline the prophetic destiny of America and Britain from the immediate future to the age to come. In addition to the Bible and standard resources such as encyclopedias and specific historical works, this book leans heavily on a number of scholars who have spent many years researching and studying this subject. Sifting through the evidence has been a time-consuming and difficult task. No two writers agree on every point, and differing conclusions are often simply a matter of how one interprets the information available. It is incumbent upon any writer to be careful with the facts and to base conclusions on context with an eye toward the intent of the original source. This is especially important when dealing with the Scriptures.

That said, it is the author’s judgment that many of those who have written extensively on this particular subject have carelessly misapplied certain biblical passages in order to “make their point.” In more than a few cases, such passages are taken completely out of context and an unfounded meaning is “read into” the text. (A number of these passages are discussed throughout this book.) This usually happens when one approaches an issue with preconceived conclusions and is consequently tempted to “cherry-pick” passages in order to “prove” his point. The apostle Paul, however, warns us to be careful in how we use Scripture (II Tim. 2:15; II Cor. 4:2).

In writing this book, every effort has been made to accurately reflect the meaning of the biblical passages used based on their context and on the obvious intent of the original writer. The fact is, there is plenty of biblical evidence to support the conclusion that America and Britain are of Israelite origin without resorting to abusing Scripture.

Moreover, it must be noted that this book attempts to steer clear of what has come to be called British Israelism. True, the movement rightly promotes the Israelite origins of the Anglo-American nations. But British Israelism comes with a troubling set of baggage that has the potential to bring disparagement to this profound truth. For example, the movement’s chief tenet attempts to equate the British Empire with the Kingdom of God. This, of course, is plainly contrary to numerous biblical passages (please refer to Appendix 1 for more information on British Israelism).

What You’ll Find Inside…

In the hope of arousing the reader’s interest, below is a chapter-bychapter synopsis of what this book will attempt to convey.

Chapter 1 demonstrates that the so-called “lost” ten tribes of ancient Israel were never really lost at all. After all, their whereabouts were known by Jesus’ apostles (Matt. 10:6). As you will see, what had been lost was, in fact, their identity as Israel. Chapter 2 introduces the extraordinary promises God made to the patriarch Abraham. These promises remain a mystery to Bible scholars; while they can clearly recognize the messianic side to these promises, they completely overlook the “birthright” promises of national greatness. Importantly, these prophetic promises do not foretell of average nations, but describe nations with superpower status. Not only were these national blessings never fulfilled in ancient times, they cannot be applied to the Jews of today. What nations, then, have been the recipients of these very specific promises?

Chapter 3 explains how the Abrahamic “birthright” promises were passed on—first to Isaac, then to Jacob, and finally to Joseph. As these promises were handed down, new details were added giving greater insight into the form these “birthright” nations would ultimately take. Chapter 4 focuses on a key aspect of the promises—that Abraham’s offspring would eventually expand into a single great nation and a “company” of nations. How and through what peoples have these promises been fulfilled?

Chapter 5 takes the reader from Israel’s golden age under Solomon to the nation’s division into two kingdoms—north and south. This division set the stage for both kingdoms to eventually be taken into exile—but at different times. Chapter 6 details how the ten tribes of the northern House of Israel were taken into captivity by Assyria. Unlike the Jews of the southern kingdom who were restored to the Promised Land after 70 years of exile in Babylon, the northern tribes never returned to Palestine. Where did they go? Do they even still exist? If so, who are they today?

Chapter 7 reveals the essential detail that the House of Israel, while in exile, came to be known by alternate names—not as “Israel.” These alternate names are the key to tracing their subsequent migrations. Chapter 8 documents how the exiled Israelites eventually left the areas of their initial exile and began migrating to the northwest. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the “lost” tribes were never restored to the land of Israel—in spite of the numerous prophecies that speak of their restoration. How are we to understand these seemingly “obsolete” biblical passages? (This apparent “contradiction” is resolved in Chapter 16, which shows how such “dual” prophecies have a latter-day application for end-time Israel.)

Chapter 9 examines the intriguing maritime exploits of the Israelite tribe of Dan, showing how their early explorations helped pave the way for exiled Israelites to migrate to the British Isles. Moreover, the early Danite colonization of Ireland played a vital role in the preservation of the “exiled” throne of David. Chapter 10 details the Israelite origins of the Celts and Saxons (among other clans) as they moved into and through northwest Europe from areas around the Black Sea. These Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Israelites were the key settlers of the British Isles—and, later, of America.

Chapters 11 and 12 bring out the messianic aspect of the Abrahamic promises. The preservation of the Davidic royal line is explained, showing that when the nation of Judah fell to Babylon the “throne” was relocated to other “Israelite lands” for safekeeping.

With Chapter 13, we move into modern times by detailing the rapid and unprecedented rise of the British Empire and the United States to worldwide prominence—a direct result of the Abrahamic promises. The average Anglo-American has no realization of the magnitude of power and influence once wielded by these two great nations. Then, in Chapter 14, the rapid decline of American and British influence is examined in stark detail. Most people would be shocked to learn how much our nations have lost in terms of influence and dominance—in just one generation. Chapter 15 outlines the appalling moral decline of the Anglo-American nations—emphasizing the reasons for God’s impending judgment on Britain and America.

Finally, Chapter 16 reveals what Bible prophecy has to say about the future of America and Britain. While warning that modern-day Israel faces the same fate as did the ancient House of Israel—captivity and slavery—this chapter also reveals the wonderful future for the Anglo-American nations in the soon-coming messianic age.

For the sake of clarity, several appendices add a few missing pieces of the puzzle—and hopefully answer some nagging questions.


1. Isaiah 46:10, author’s paraphrase. Unless otherwise noted, all biblical quotations are taken from The Holy Bible In Its Original Order. The use of italics—in both biblical and non-biblical quotations—indicates emphasis added by the author.

2. Unfortunately, some of the territories held by the Empire fared poorly under British rule (see Chapter 13 notes).

3. Technically not a colony, Palestine fell under British control in 1920 as the result of a mandate by the League of Nations.

4. For example, Britain’s gross mishandling of the 1956-57 Suez crisis has been noted by analysts as marking the end of the Empire’s role as a superpower. American leadership was central to bringing the crisis to a peaceful resolution.

5. It should also be noted that the Marshall Plan was hatched as a way to prevent Soviet-led communism from gaining a hold on postwar western Europe.