About this Book
This book is a wonderful tool for parents and grandparents to teach their young children about God the Father and Jesus Christ directly from the Bible. Jane Spring, of Queensland, Australia, originally designed and wrote this book to read to her grandchildren. She drew many pictures herself, as well as writing all the scriptures by hand. Her style of writing brings the message of God to children in an easy-to-understand manner. So impressive was her work, that York Publishing Company enlisted the services of Don and Bonnie Burrows to reproduce it in this book following Jane’s original layout.
Parents and grandparents are encouraged to use this book to help inspire their children and grandchildren in the Pathways of God. As the book of Proverbs instructs, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6). Children need to realize that good and loving behavior in obedience to God and parents, brings blessings directly to them from God, parents, grandparents and others. It is true, “Even a child is known by his own doings, whether his work is pure and whether it is right” (Prov. 20:11).
Beginning in Genesis, Jane Spring tells the account of God’s creation of the heavens and earth-the fish, birds and animals. How God in His love created Adam and Eve; how they sinned and went against God; why God caused the Flood of Noah’s time; the calling of Abraham and the life of David. Finally, she relates the account of Jesus Christ-why He came, what He preached and why He died for them, because He loves them; and how children are to love and serve Him in their lives daily.
Since children are never too young to learn, and want to learn, there are special instructions from the Book of Proverbs and personal memory verses about God’s pathway for each child: How to be good and honest; how to avoid sin and trouble; how to begin to study the Bible; how to pray to God the Father-in order to love Jesus, their parents, grandparents, their brothers and sisters and their friends and neighbors.
- Preface
- God's Bible Pathway for Children
- Do Not Enter into the Path of the Wicked
- In the Beginning Was God
- God Made the Angels and the Earth
- Lucifer's Rebellion
- Start of the Seven Days of Creation
- Garden of Eden
- God Shows Adam and Eve Two Trees
- Adam and Eve Disobey God
- God Tells Noah to Build an Ark
- Noah Comes Out of the Ark
- Nimrod Starts Religion and Rebellion
- Tower of Babel
- God calls Abram
- Israel Goes into Egypt
- God Calls Moses
- Out of Egypt and into the Wilderness
- God Spoke the Ten Commandments
- Out of the Wilderness and into the Promised Land
- Samuel as a Child
- Israel Wants a King
- King David
- Daniel in the Lions' Den
- Birth of Jesus
- Life of Jesus
- Death of Jesus
- Resurrection of Jesus
- Satan Locked Up
- Jesus Christ Rules the World
- Great White Throne Judgment
- God's Pathway
- The World's Way
- Analyzing Peoples' False Ideas About God
- God's Special Commandment for Children
- How to Pray
- Special Way to Study the Book of Proverbs
- The Ten Commandments
- What Should I Pray About and Who Should I Pray To?